You must not attend the clinic if you have a fever, cough, sore throat, travelled abroad, respiratory symptoms or have come in contact with Covid 19.
1) The clinic door will be open when you arrive.
2) You will be greeted by your physiotherapist wearing a mask and we request all clients to bring a mask with them or one can be provided. Hand sanitiser will be administered on entry and exit.
3) The room will be set up to observe social distancing as much as possible before hands on treatment commences.
4) All beds and surfaces are cleaned after each client.
Our online booking system will be open and we will be responding to email or phone messages. Please note that we are operating with reduced admin staff and may be slower to respond to phone calls but leave a message and we will get back to you.
This may all seem strange initially but be assured that this is for your safety and ours. Our treatments will still be as effective despite being behind a mask!
Please do not hesitate to contact us at the clinic at 021 4384882 or email if you would like to discuss or require advice about any injury.
Check out our list of services or find out how to make an appointment.
The physio clinic is opened from 9am to 8pm Monday to Friday and 9am to 2pm on Saturdays to facilitate people before and after work. Also opened on Saturdays from 9am to 2pm and for paediatric physiotherapy by appointment only. Feel free to call over to view the centre at any time, for any queries please contact 021 4384882. We do local home-visits for patients that are unable to attend the clinic, please call for more information.
Appointment can be made by telephone or at reception. Appointments can be made on a self-referral basis, or via your G.P/Specialist.
You can assist by
- Being on time for your appointment.
- Full payment must be made at time of treatment, we accept cards, cheque or cash.
- Making a separate appointment for each person attending.
- If you cannot keep an appointment, please let us know as soon as possible.
To make an appointment
Phone: 021 4384882
For further information
The best time to telephone about these is between 9am and 5pm, when the receptionist is on duty. Outside these times it may not always be possible to answer the phone, but please leave a message on the answer phone and we will return your call as soon as possible.